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On Pilgrimage (November 1967)

Summary: Reports from the Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate in Rome and receives communion from the Pope. The conference “resolutions” seemed inadequate to her regarding birth control and war. Says “No one of course was really satisfied with the resolutions but most felt that they were beginnings of discussion, and that a great deal of work was necessary on the part of lay people to work and study and develop a strong conscience about the problems of the day.” (DDLW #857). The Catholic Worker, November 1967, 1, 7, 8.


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Fall Appeal (November 1967)

Summary: An appeal for money. Notes their hospitality for the families of migrants, for pickets in the grape boycott, and the many apartments they rent. “Even as I am writing this a woman comes to borrow twenty-five dollars. She does this every so often and it usually is a dire need.” (DDLW #856). The Catholic Worker, November 1967, 2.