Although voluntary poverty is a core part of the Catholic Worker lifestyle, most Catholic Worker communities depend on donations to help keep things running. From the start, Dorothy Day didn’t hesitate to appeal to the Catholic Worker’s wider community of readers for financial help.

If you’d like to support the Catholic Worker Movement, browse the appeals below; you can also check out the Catholic Worker Community Directory. Send your donations directly to the Catholic Worker community you’re supporting. Although only accepts appeals from known Catholic Worker communities, we can’t offer any guarantees about how your donation will be used. If you have questions, reach out to the community you want to support.

Casa Juan Diego Christmas Appeal

We know that the person in need who comes to our door is not just Maria Garcia or Samuel Smith, but the Lord himself present in the poor. We Catholic Workers are just a few. We cannot solve all the problems of people seeking help, but we can, with the help of our readers, provide what may seem like just a few loaves and fishes. We pray that the Lord may transform and multiply them.

St. Peter Claver CW Appeal for Sustaining Contributors

As we have worked to establish the Motels4Now program and ensure its sustainability, we have struggled to meet the monthly financial obligations of Our Lady of the Road and our Catholic Worker household. Would you please consider helping on a monthly basis and inviting others in your circle to do so? Together, we can continue practicing the works of mercy, listening for the promptings of God’s Spirit.