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On Pilgrimage (December 1959)

Summary: Tells of George Clements whose skeleton was found in the woods near Peter Maurin Farm. Paints a picture of the natural surroundings at the beach house. Describes the men’s house in the city, wishing they had yellow paint for the walls. Answers critics who say they have a “morbid preoccupation with misery.” (DDLW #759) The Catholic Worker, December 1959, 2, 6.

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Month of the Dead

Summary: Decries the religious attitude that neglects the needs of this world in anticipation of “a fuller life” hereafter. Views this life as a “practice ground,” an opportunity to use our talents to bring about justice and peace. Cites Ammon Hennacy and Peter Maurin as men who showed personal responsibility in this life. Everyone has the choice to bring about a better world aware that we are members of one family. We will be satisfied at death in God’s rich mercy. (The Catholic Worker, November 1959, 1, 6. DDLW #193).

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Introduction (Two Agitators)

In her introduction to the 56-page pamphlet “Two Agitators: Peter Maurin — Ammon Hennacy” (The Catholic Worker, New York, 1959) Dorothy Day sketches a portrait of Peter Maurin and Ammon Hennacy and provides some background on their place in the Catholic Worker Movement. She marks similarities and differences between the two men, noting that their humility expressed itself in very different ways. Both men believed in the power of ideas and lived in a way that communicated their ideas as powerfully as any of their words.

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On Pilgrimage – September 1959 

Summary: Meandering account of the past month–the beauty of nature, visitors, and conferences. Highlights Ammon Hennacy’s fasting in repentance for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Meditates on how the poor are treated by people in bureaucracies and on the core of voluntary poverty. (The Catholic Worker, September 1959, 2, 6, 7. DDLW #756).

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Summary: Recounts the life and vocation of Charles de Foucauld who inspired the foundation of the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus. She is especially attracted to their living with the poor in poverty and their devotion to manual labor. (The Catholic Worker, August 1959, 2, 7, 8. DDLW #755).

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On Pilgrimage – March 1959 – The Story of Jack English’s First Mass

Summary: Reports on her trip to Georgia for the first Mass of Jack English, now Fr. Charles, in the Trappists. Chronicles his life with the Catholic Worker, war years, and vocation. Then travels to Florida and reflects on the harsh conditions of migrant labor. Keyword: anarchism (The Catholic Worker, March 1959, 1, 7, 8. DDLW #750).

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On Pilgrimage – January 1959 

Summary: Argues from the principle of subsidiarity that to replace personal responsibility with the state’s is a grave injustice. Criticizes the state’s inefficiency in alleviating suffering; in its guest to regulate justice it causes more injustice. Associates a close bond between poverty and love and blames industrialism for the increasing practice of carting the aged off to institutions. (The Catholic Worker, January 1959, 1,2,7. DDLW #178).

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On Pilgrimage – December 1958

Summary: A month of travelling and giving talks in Massachusetts, New York, and Indiana. Visits Tamar and the grand children in Vermont. Discusses farming communes and complains about the encroaching State. Admires the Shakers and Hutterites and advocates a personalist and communitarian society. (The Catholic Worker, December 1958, 1, 7. DDLW #748).

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The Pope is Dead. Long Live the Pope/Viva John XXIII 

Summary: Culling newspaper accounts of the newly elected Pope, John XXIII, she describes him as a man who loves the soil and family. Includes quotes from his first public address on love of the poor and condemnation of preparing for war. Explains what it means to struggle for justice and to do so “even if by force,” a phrase the Pope used. (The Catholic Worker, November 1958, 1, 2. DDLW #747)