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Fall Appeal (October/November 1977)

Summary: A yearly appeal for funds from readers. Discusses the poverty of the Catholic Worker and the purpose of that poverty in relation to Christ. Links the appeal for funds to the begging of St. Francis and the giving of funds to our love of God. Keywords: folly of the cross (DDLW #581). The Catholic Worker, October-November 1977, 2.

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On Pilgrimage – September 1977

Summary: Recounts a visit by her daughter Tamar and granddaughter Katy. Other friends visit as well including Nina Polcyn and Dorothy Gauchat. Day remembers Nina’s involvement in a protest in 1934 against the landing of the German liner, Bremen. She also remembers fondly Dorothy Gauchat’s husband Bill, of whom Peter Maurin thought highly as well. (The Catholic Worker, September 1977, 2, 7. DDLW #580).

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On Pilgrimage – September 1976 

Summary: Chronicles a busy summer of visitors and talks. Says the 60’s were not a time of fruitful action and calls for a renewal of the personalist and communitarian revolution through land trusts, credit unions, cooperatives, decentralization and redistribution of land–“this is the living peace movement today.” (The Catholic Worker, September 1976, 2. DDLW #572).

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Bread for the Hungry

Summary: Speaks of her experience with the poor, and her love of the Church and the Eucharist. Recalls that August 6th is the day to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is critical of a nearby Mass for the military. Notes her family members involvement in wars and asks us to fast, like Ammon Hennacy, and to do penance and ask for forgiveness. (DDLW #258). The Catholic Worker, September 1976, 1, 5.